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12-15 August 2018
Europe/Berlin timezone

Exploring the _scenery_ of LSFM with virtual reality

Not scheduled


Pfotenhauerstraße 108 01307 Dresden Germany
Poster Posters


Ulrik Gunther


With the advent of lightsheet microscopes, and their unprecedented ability to generate 3D and 4D data of biological specimen with high spatiotemporal resolution, the question of how to interact with both the data produced, and the measuring instrument itself becomes more and more important.

In this talk, we present scenery, an open-source realtime 3D visualisation framework that can be used to quickly prototype visualisations or even build your own applications. We are going to detail some case studies in which we have used the framework, such as visualisation of Drosophila development or whole-organism vasculature development in VR headsets or even room-scale CAVE systems. Further, we will show ideas for future interaction with microscopes, such as virtual reality-based laser ablation.

Terms and Conditions Yes
Affiliation Center for Systems Biology Dresden, MPI-CBG, TU Dresden

Primary author


Prof. Kyle Harrington (Virtual Technology and Design, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID USA) Ivo Sbalzarini

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